Just a little update on life in Nova Scotia
Yes, yes... I hear you. I'm behind on the blog posting. Many apologies for not keeping everyone updated. We are good. Don is busy at PWUBC and enjoying being back in the rhythm of church life. And I'm actually back at work. After talking with our immigration attorney and a cross border accountant, I've got the legal/business stuff worked out and my career/life coaching and resume service business is back up and running... and expanding. I'm updating my website (bluesagecareers.com) and have some brand new clients just starting out. If you're wondering how to be brave and make the jump to the next big new something for you, I have a whole new class just waiting for you.
I'm also a freelance/ghost writer and had a deadline for a writing gig this week which kept me a little busy. Want to hire me to write for you?
So things are moving along. We are settling in to our life in Nova Scotia. We're still renting and looking for a more permanent place to live but enjoying our beautiful rental house and the ring necked pheasant who lives in the ravine behind our backyard. Most days he lives in our backyard. We've named him Pete. He sits and waits until the finches and chickadees knock some seed onto the ground from the bird feeders and then he helps himself.
I'm loving the wildlife. I've watched bald eagles fly over during my walks in the neighborhood and I'll write a separate post about our morning at the Sheffield Eagle Watch.
Local chickens.
We're enjoying trying out all the farm markets around and getting local eggs. Don is working on trying out the 18 kinds of sausage!
And then there's the view from the top of our street. There are great hiking and walking trails close by so I'm still getting my miles in.
I'll be playing catch up on posting this week - so stay tuned!