A Whack of New Things
We're still learning new words here. The word for this week is "whack." A whack doesn't mean simply "to hit something." In Nova Scotia, a whack means "a lot" of something. As in, "I've got a whack of books to put away" or "She learned a whack of new words". Thanks to our friends, Julie and Laura, for the Nova Scotian language lessons! I can now pronounce "about" and "house" properly - "aboat" and "hoase". If I can get "sorry" down and perfect the timing of "eh?", I'll practically be a Maritimer!
We have been been learning and doing a whack of new things this spring. We've had a busy few weeks. After learning that we had to move out of our rental house, we put our new home search into high gear and have now moved into our new house in Wolfville. It's about 5 km from the church so Don can bike to work on nice days - although the ride back home is uphill! We're still getting settled, trying to finally unpack all our boxes and organize life.
Yes, in answer to several questions, the snow is gone - we hope! -(although Newfoundland and New Brunswick both had snow just last week!) Temps are usually in the 60's during the days. But to be truthful, it's been a cool spring with several frost and freeze warnings in the last couple of weeks. Many local vineyards experienced significant damage from the freeze. We had several days when the high didn't make it to 60! Current temp as I'm writing is 68°F (20C) at mid-afternoon but the breeze is still cool.
May and June are absolutely beautiful months in Nova Scotia. Everything is blooming - from the tulips early in the month, the apple orchards and cherry trees, to peonies and rhododendron blooming now. The lupines are my current favorite.
I have spent most of the last month or so getting us moved in and organized. Well, the organized part is debatable. We have 2 guest rooms - so plan a visit to the Flowers B&B! I'll post some pics when I get a few more boxes out of the way - and that will be soon because our first guests arrive in 2 weeks! Yikes!
But in the middle of all the moving in, we did make time for a whack of new outings. We took in the Apple Blossom Festival Parade in Kentville, made a trip to Lunenburg for an amazing concert by the Halifax Camerata Singers and our very own Christianne Rushton, had a personal tour of several apple orchards here in the Valley by a local organic apple farmer, and even made an appearance on our church float in the Port Williams Days Children's Parade. Oh, and there were fireworks! Click on the photos below to hear more of the story.