Forget about the bread and milk...

Forget about the bread and milk...

A snowstorm is blowing in tonight and we are ready. Alerted by our Atlantic Maritime friends, we are fully prepared for the snow Mother Nature is blowing our way.


In Nova Scotia, forget about the bread and milk. This is what you buy when a snowstorm is headed your way.

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We are learning that it's an Atlantic Maritime tradition in Canada. The chip aisle is completely emptied when a big snowstorm is predicted. And, actually, any chips will do. Some people love ripple chips and dip. I saw one #stormchips photo with Cheetos. One company noticed the empty chip shelves prior to a snowstorm and capitilzed on the trend to create Covered Bridge Storm Chips - only to be eaten when you're snowed in. 


Even Canadian Tire had #stormchips front and center

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Popcorn also works.

We are all stocked up on popcorn so we are good to go. Bring on the snow.

Thanks to our Canadian friends for teaching us to be prepared for the next big snowstorm. I think we've got this. And for full disclosure, we got some of our favorite  #stormchips, just to be on the safe side.

Just a little update on life in Nova Scotia

Just a little update on life in Nova Scotia

Sun and snow at the Bay of Fundy

Sun and snow at the Bay of Fundy